€268 per month
10% discount when paying for a year.
- Metabolic testing and consultation before starting training.
- Individual training program for each week.
- Correction of the plan after each workout or as needed.
- Unlimited number of coach consultations in the chat, no more than 1 time a week by phone.
- Prompt feedback from the coach.
- Premium rate in trainingpeaks.
- Functional growth profile - complete metabolic testing up to 5 times a year.
- Video analysis of running techniques.
- A detailed plan for the race.
- Nutrition recommendations after the start of training, then on request.
- The program of fortification based on the results of a blood test.
- Recommendations for recovery.
- Guaranteed place in any TRS training camp.
- One TRS training camp during the year is included in the price.
Men - Dmitry Mityaev
Girls - Ekaterina Mityaeva
Men/Girls - Farkhad Isakov
Men/Girls - Aleksyei Tolstenko
€201 per month
10% discount when paying for a year.
- Testing and consultation before the start of training.
- Individual training program for each week.
- Correction of the plan after each workout or as needed.
- Unlimited number of coach consultations in the chat, no more than 1 time per month by phone.
- Coach's feedback during the day (answer to the question, program changes)
- Weekly feedback on request.
- Functional growth profile - complete metabolic testing 2 times a year, control testing 1 time a year. The first test is performed in 3 months, with payment for 3 months or more, immediately after the start of training.
- A detailed plan for the race.
- Nutrition recommendations after the start of training, then on request.
- The program of fortification based on the results of a blood test.
- Recommendations for recovery.
Men - Dmitry Mityaev
Girls - Ekaterina Mityaeva
Men/Girls - Farkhad Isakov
Men/Girls - Aleksyei Tolstenko
Methodical course on preparation for ultra races.
€134 per month
At the beginning of 2024.
€268 per month
10% discount when paying for a year.
- Metabolic testing and consultation before starting training.
- Individual training program for each week.
- Correction of the plan after each workout or as needed.
- Unlimited number of coach consultations in the chat, no more than 1 time a week by phone.
- Prompt feedback from the coach.
- Premium rate in trainingpeaks.
- Functional growth profile - complete metabolic testing up to 5 times a year.
- Video analysis of running techniques.
- A detailed plan for the race.
- Nutrition recommendations after the start of training, then on request.
- The program of fortification based on the results of a blood test.
- Recommendations for recovery.
- Guaranteed place in any TRS training camp.
- One TRS training camp during the year is included in the price.
Men - Dmitry Mityaev
Girls - Ekaterina Mityaeva
Men/Girls - Farkhad Isakov
Men/Girls - Aleksyei Tolstenko
€201 per month
10% discount when paying for a year.
- Testing and consultation before the start of training.
- Individual training program for each week.
- Correction of the plan after each workout or as needed.
- Unlimited number of coach consultations in the chat, no more than 1 time per month by phone.
- Coach's feedback during the day (answer to the question, program changes)
- Weekly feedback on request.
- Functional growth profile - complete metabolic testing 2 times a year, control testing 1 time a year. The first test is performed in 3 months, with payment for 3 months or more, immediately after the start of training.
- A detailed plan for the race.
- Nutrition recommendations after the start of training, then on request.
- The program of fortification based on the results of a blood test.
- Recommendations for recovery.
Men - Dmitry Mityaev
Girls - Ekaterina Mityaeva
Men/Girls - Farkhad Isakov
Men/Girls - Aleksyei Tolstenko
Methodical course on preparation for ultra races.
€134 per month
At the beginning of 2024.
на результат
200 € в месяц
- Программа тренировок на каждую неделю.
- Тестирование, анализ динамики восстановления.
- Коррекция плана после каждой тренировки или по мере необходимости.
- Видеоанализ и обучение технике бега.
- Индивидуальная программа питания и витаминизации.
- Неограниченное количество консультаций по телефону и в чате.
5000 ₽ в месяц
- Программа тренировок на каждую неделю.
- Тестирование, анализ динамики восстановления.
- Коррекция плана после каждой тренировки или по необходимости.
- Индивидуальная программа питания.
- Консультация в чате до 5 раз в неделю + 1 консультация по телефону перед началом обучения.
программа питания
10000 ₽ в месяц
- Программа рассчитана на 1−4 месяца. Индивидуальная программа питания с учетом тренировочной программы и анализов крови.
- Рекомендации по режиму дня и восстановлению после тренировок.
- Рекомендации по питанию до и после тренировок.
- Рекомендации по питанию во время тренировок.
- Рекомендации по приему витаминов и БАД составленные с учетом анализа крови.
- Предсоревновательная диета.
- План питания на гонку.
Individual training program for 3 months.
- Testing and consultation in the chat before the start of training.
- Individual training program for 3 months.
- Correction of the training plan no more than 1 time per month.
- No more than 2 coach consultations per month in the chat.
- Analysis of training 1 time per month.
€100 per month
10% discount when paying for a year.
- Testing and consultation before the start of training.
- Individual training program for each week.
- Correction of the plan after each workout or as needed.
- No more than 3 coach consultations per week in the chat.
- Coach's feedback within 24 hours.
- A detailed plan for the race.
- 30% discount on metabolic testing.
Men - Dmitry Mityaev
Girls - Ekaterina Mityaeva
Men/Girls - Farkhad Isakov
Men/Girls - Aleksyei Tolstenko
- 30-minute consultation by phone or Skype to answer any questions you may have.
€80 per month
- Testing and consultation before the start of training.
- Individual training program for a month with weekly changes as needed.
- Correction of the training plan no more than 1 time per week.
- Coach consultation no more than 1 time a week in the chat.
- Coach's feedback within 24 hours.
- 15% discount on testing with gas analysis and other sensors.
Individual training program for 3 months.
- Testing and consultation in the chat before the start of training.
- Individual training program for 3 months.
- Correction of the training plan no more than 1 time per month.
- No more than 2 coach consultations per month in the chat.
- Analysis of training 1 time per month.
€100 per month
10% discount when paying for a year.
- Testing and consultation before the start of training.
- Individual training program for each week.
- Correction of the plan after each workout or as needed.
- No more than 3 coach consultations per week in the chat.
- Coach's feedback within 24 hours.
- A detailed plan for the race.
- 30% discount on metabolic testing.
Men - Dmitry Mityaev
Girls - Ekaterina Mityaeva
Men/Girls - Farkhad Isakov
Men/Girls - Aleksyei Tolstenko
- 30-minute consultation by phone or Skype to answer any questions you may have.
€80 per month
- Testing and consultation before the start of training.
- Individual training program for a month with weekly changes as needed.
- Correction of the training plan no more than 1 time per week.
- Coach consultation no more than 1 time a week in the chat.
- Coach's feedback within 24 hours.
- 15% discount on testing with gas analysis and other sensors.
2000 ₽ в месяц
- Программа тренировок на каждую неделю.
- Консультация в чате 200 рублей, по телефону 1 000 рублей 30 минут.
4000 ₽ в месяц
- Программа тренировок на каждую неделю.
- Консультация в чате 1 раз в неделю. Консультация по телефону 500 рублей.
3000 ₽ в месяц
- Консультация по телефону или скайпу — 60 минут.
- Формат консультации:
- Что дает консультация:
Программа питания
на гонку
2000 ₽ в месяц
- Индивидуальная программа питания в заключительные 4 дня подготовки и подробный план питания на гонку.
Оплатите очередной месяц тренировок
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I am slide content. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
I am slide content. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
I am slide content. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.